Today’s Breakfast :)

Hey angels !

Hope you have been doing well. Thought of making a food blog post today and whats better than writing about what breakfast I myself had in the morning. 🙂 If you guys have been following me then you know what a big food lover I am and how I feel that breakfast is the most important meal in a day.


I am milk addict. Literally, I can live for days having just milk. And, I also love cereals. So, I have different varieties of cereals with milk for breakfast. Sometimes cornflakes, sometimes oats, sometimes museli and so on. Today I had some wheatflakes from kellogg’s alongwith milk. Yeah, kellogg’s happens to be my favorite brand when it comes to cereals. They have such a wide variety which has almost taken over the Indian market since years. I also added some Amway Nutrilite plant protein powder to the milk as I mostly eat vegan.


I also had a multigrain bread sandwich stuffed with loads of raw veggies. For flavor I had added some black pepper powder to boost up my metabolism and also spread some crunchy peanut butter before layering the veggies.


To keep myself hydrated I had a glass of fresh tender coconut water. It was purely organic as the tender coconut was from my own garden. It is very good for detoxing and is always a better replacement for the store bought packaged juices which have a lot of added sugars and preservatives.

Hope you have liked this post. Do let me know if you have any healthy breakfast ideas so that I can incorporate it to my life.

Stay healthy!


Detox water/Infused water

Hi friends !!

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 😀 How was the weekend btw? Mine was great apart from the fact that its raining heavily here. So haven’t been able to go out anywhere. So, getting into today’d post, I shall be telling you guys about detox water which has been a latest diet craze in recent year. There’s no other more important detox rule than this one: hydration! Whether you’re trying to lose a few pounds or you just want to flush the toxins out of your body, hydration is the key to making this successful. But plain water can be quite bland for our taste-buds and many people opt for canned juices or soft-drinks rather than water. So our ultimate key for this can be our own infused detox water. 😀

Detox water or infused water also called as spa -water nowadays is drinking water that has fruits and herbs added to it which give its flavor to the water and also add some minerals and vitamins into it. So, it can be a healthier alternative to having the sweetened drinks which has a lot of calories in it.

This infused water may sound complicated but it is very easy to make it at home. Just add some fruit slices and herbs to the water and store it preferably overnight and consume it throughout the next day. You can add more water to the bottle or jar too later on. But I recommend you to not use the same bottle for more than a day as the fruits may start to rot.

You can choose from a variety of fruit and herb combinations like apple-cinnamon, or lemon-mint-cucumber, or lemon-ginger for weight-loss. Mint infused water can also help in preventing bloating and give a fresh flavor to the water. If the weather is very hot then you can enjoy watermelon-mint water. If you have a sweet-tooth then you can have pineapple-sugarcane infused water. To have a more strong flavored water you can have orange-blueberries or strawberry-cucumber-mint-lime water. Apart from mint, you can also add other herbs like basil, rosemary and lavender if they are available near you.

These detox recipes taste even more refreshing than sodas or sweetened water which has more calories. These keep you hydrated throughout the day and not only do they aid in weight loss but also they give you beautiful skin which can be an added benefit. Also, there is such a diversity that you will never run out of options.

Stay healthy ! 🙂


Have a great start with a great breakfast.

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”-Adelle Davis

  Hi, friends here I am once again with you to share some healthy eating habits we must choose throughout the day to keep our metabolism running. The first and most important meal to start your day is breakfast; you can program your entire day’s metabolism just by making right breakfast choices. I personally feel one healthy breakfast is comprised of all the macros needed for running a healthy body. But, sadly, I have seen many of my friends skipping breakfast. This is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. People who skip breakfast generally tend to overeat during lunch and dinner. Breakfast skippers often feel tired, irritable and restless in the morning because they do not have adequate energy for their brains and muscles to sustain activity throughout the day. Also, they have hunger pangs throughout the day so they choose foods which are readily available around them like cookies, chips and lots of fast food. So, people who have been health freaks, people who have always loved fast food, people who love eating desserts for breakfast (I love to eat desserts anytime of the day, not as a dessert but as a main course :P), and people who have always been in a hurry and unable to find time during the morning for breakfast, this post is for you. Read it until the end as there will be lots of tips for you in this post.

It’s not for only gym goers but everyone should start their day with a healthy mix of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and fibers. Carbohydrates and healthy fats provides energy to keep us going throughout the day. Protein helps to build and repair our body. Fiber helps to keep us full for a longer time and also helps in proper bowel movement.

Nobody can deny that oatmeal is a healthy source of complex carbs, fiber and protein and by complex carbs I mean one which keeps you full for longer hours. Throw in some fruits in it with some scrambled eggs and you have got the perfect right mix of all the four.

In a typical Indian household scenario you may not find so much time to make so many different recipes for a healthy breakfast so what you can do is  make mix vegetable curry with lots of gravy and throw in some dry roasted oats in it and believe me it tastes much better than oats upma. If you hit the gym on the day then you might like to increase protein content in it. You can have chicken breast curry with oats in it. Alternatively, have scrambled eggs with it.People who have a sweet-tooth like me can add lots of honey and dry fruits to oats cooked with milk. It is a healthier alternative to the traditional kheer we love so much.


Many people don’t like the taste of oats. If oatmeal doesn’t go down your throat then you have many other choices as well. Try brown rice which is very easy to make. Boil some water and add some brown rice in a rice cooker. It’s ready in just ten minutes. Brown rice keeps you full for longer and it has got just right amount of dietary fibers and some minerals. Cook some mixed vegetables curry or chicken breast curry with light gravy and mix it with brown rice and it can be a healthier alternative to biryani.

Those who like to start their day with fast food, you have many options to make it healthier. You can prepare whole wheat pasta with lots of vegetables in it sauteed with some eggs in it or if you are a vegetarian add some paneer(cottage cheese) or tofu. Use fresh tomatoes n chilies rather than tomato n chili sauce the former tastes much better n also is free from preservatives and packed with all the goodness of tomatoes.

I have been living in Hyderabad for the last 4 months and I got a hint of how yummy the South-Indian food can be. Many of my friends also love eating them. If you are a person who cannot refrain from south Indian delicacies like idli and dosa, go for multigrain idli and with dosa batter, mix some gram flour pulses and other grains and serve with sambhar and coconut chutney.

Now, it is the 21st century and our lives are getting faster everyday. Office, school and college goers usually are in a rush every morning. So, for people who are always on the go and don’t have time to prepare and eat breakfast in the morning, I have some ideas for you. In hot countries like India, we always love to have something cool. Throw in some cut-fruit of your choice, skimmed milk or yoghurt, ice-cubes and oats into the mixer to make it a delicious smoothie in less than 5 mins. You can then transfer it to a mason jar and have it on the way. If you can spare a little more time, you can have a smoothie bowl of the same while adding some dry fruits to the smoothie to make it more interesting.  Alternatively, you can also have some low fat yoghurt with fruits or stuff salad vegetables or chicken or egg inside whole-wheat or multigrain bread and make a sandwich out of it. Also you can have a quick breakfast of whole grain cereals or muesli with some skimmed milk or low fat yoghurt.

Friends, no matter whatever you choose to eat, make sure that you eat something nutritious at the start of the day to keep yourself fueled up throughout. If you liked the post, also share it with your friends. Also, let me know which one is your favorite breakfast out of all the above ideas.

Stay healthy! 🙂